Reference international project – cooperation with the company METRANS

The METRANS Company is a Central European leader in container transportation with main headquarters is in Prague in the Czech Republic. TENZOVÁHY has been cooperating with METRANS in the field of vehicle and container weighing since 2013.

Containers in Dunajská Streda, Slovakia

Low Speed WIM System in METRANS Dunajská Streda

Low Speed WIM System in METRANS Česká Třebová

Next locations

Gradually, five other sites in Praha, Plzeň, Zlín, Ostrava and Česká Třebová were fitted with these systems.

The Low-Speed Dynamic Weighing System allows the client to check out trucks significantly faster at the terminal exit.

After exit clearance, vehicles are equipped with a message proving that their total weight does not exceed the permissible total weight or the permissible weight of the individual axles.

Successful continuation – direct weighing of containers during transhipment

It has been shown that further streamlining of containers shipping can be achieved by their direct weighing during transhipment.

Therefore the TENZOVAHY has developed the so called "Container weighing system".

After the testing phase, the client used these systems at three locations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

Installation of the Container Weighing System in METRANS Prague, Czech Republic

Overview of installed systems in METRANS



Type of weighing system

2013 Dunajská Streda, Slovakia Low Speed Dynamic WIM System 
2015 Praha, Czech Republic Low Speed Dynamic WIM System
2016 Česká Třebová, Czech Republic Low Speed Dynamic WIM System
2016 Zlín, Czech Republic Low Speed Dynamic WIM System
2016 Plzeň, Czech Republic Low Speed Dynamic WIM System
2016 Ostrava, Czech Republic Low Speed Dynamic WIM System
2016 Budapest, Hungary Static Weighbridge
2017 Praha, Czech Republic Container Weighing System
2017 Dunajská Streda, Slovakia Container Weighing System
2018 Budapest, Hungary Container Weighing System
2021 Žilina, Slovakia Container Weighing System


The map of installed systems in METRANS

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